Custodians of natural stone
Mamo is a boutique service provider specialising in natural stone servicing the design community, and the discerning buyer.
Our work with Gallaria | MAMO on this project involved the development of a new brand, flagship product line and a HQ/ Showroom in Sydney’s Danks St, along with the Sydney Factory and Warehouse in Moorebank.
The first phase of this project saw H&CO. develop a unique brand identity for the renowned bathware company Gallaria, named MAMO.
We drew inspiration from the Hawaiian Mamo bird, a bird that was considered as sacred by the Hawaiian Royal family for their rarity and beauty. Its plumes were used to create unique garments worn by royalty including Kamehameha the Great, the first King of Hawaii. Cloaks created with these feathers were worn during special occasions and were considered the ‘Crown Jewels’ of Hawaii.
We saw a kinship between the beauty of the Mamo, and the beauty of Natural Stone.
A beauty created naturally, that has been historically known for its use by the Royal and Aristocratic.
Like so many things prized for their beauty, the Mamo bird is now extinct. Eager not to repeat the mistakes of the past, we acknowledge that Natural Stone is a depreciating natural resource that needs to be treated with care and responsibility.
At MAMO, they see themselves as ‘Custodians of Natural Stone’, ever searching for new ways to take this rare resource, and with care and integrity craft it into Stone Art that is forever lasting.
We helped develop this identity, and all the collateral that’s required to go with a brand of this nature.
The second phase of this project was to develop the flagship product line. This line is offered in two streams, the ‘Black Series’ which encompasses items over a ten-thousand-dollar value, and ‘Mamo Everyday’ which is for products under ten thousand dollars.
This product range utilises the three pillars of MAMO which are, Custom Works, Stone Art (CNC), and Re-Imagined (Marblure, lightweight)
The third phase of the project was to create the MAMO Headquarters and Showroom, this appointment only showroom is for the design community to use an inspiration gallery, and work with the in-house team on custom stone projects.
The showroom contains a ‘Pod Gallery’ of 7 bathroom scenes that will be regularly updated, a specifiers hub, marble gallery, lounge, and offices.
The fourth phase of the project was to create a new Factory and Warehouse facility go Gallaria | Mamo. This facility contains stone stock (full slabs), production, commercial offices and meeting spaces, a MAMO apartment, and distribution centre.